Ben, Anna, the triplets, Anna’s brother-Andy, and his wife-Bethany, came over to the pool to grill some dinner. The kids had a blast swimming and it was the perfect night to just relax and sit by the pool. It really felt wonderful outside.

The boys have desperately needed a new pair of goggles because apparently the cheapos don’t last very long. They were excited to test out their new ones.

The boys love when Thomas throws them up in the air.

So So cute!

Noah loves riding on his daddy’s back.

fam hanging out by the steps during rest break.
Carter’s goggles are so much better!

Noah and Bailey decide to get brave on go down the slide. They didn’t go for seconds but they did really good!
Caley is finally swimming in the pool with her arm
floaties. We are still making progress and I hope to get her swimming under water before summer is over. Atleast she’s not afraid to get her face wet anymore.

Bailey and Abbie both did great with their

Go Abbie!
They are gonna be little fish by this times next year.
Sunny - Those pictures are awesome! What fun to have family over to grill out and go swimming!
THE MORROW FAMILY - I love the pictures! We had so much fun! We'll have to do it more at night time when it's not so hot…and I have Ben there for extra hands with the kids.